Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Vision of Success

My 9 year old son plays on a football team. During one of his football games, I saw the sheer desire, the absolute will to win that his coach had. I also noted that that same will to win had not found its way to my son, nor the rest of the team that fateful Saturday morning. Needless to say, they lost.

I've managed and led teams of salespeople over the years in different industries. I’ve also led teams of various sizes during my 11 years in the Army. Each of these teams has been successful. My son’s football team won the league championship last year and, under the same excellent coach I mentioned above, has compiled a 2-1 record so far this season. My sales teams have consistently led in market share attainment and new-product launches in one industry, and have been a company leader in attainment of plan in the other industry. My military teams have also led in the categories that count. Turnover in all my teams has also historically been very low. All of these are markers of success.

I would propose to you that there is a commonality in all of these that is a trait of being successful. That commonality is a shared vision of success. Some may argue that this is a bit too simplistic – that it is much more than that. Allow me to disagree and tell you that everything else a team does and doesn’t do to be successful starts with this shared vision. It is this vision that inspires. It is this vision that motivates. It is this vision that permits each individual team member to do whatever it takes (and more). It is this vision, then, that become the rallying cry for the team when it is faced with challenges. It is this vision that buttresses the team to success in overcoming these challenges.

It is up to the leader to concoct and then communicate this vision. Once that is done, his/her main job, then, is to inspire, train, educate, coach, and motivate the team so this vision is inculcated, internalized, then implemented by each member. I hear the question frequently, what is leadership? I would submit to you that if the ability to do this well isn’t leadership, it is definitely a discriminator for effective leadership.

So, how do you concoct, then communicate this vision of success? How do you go about the leader’s everyday job of training, motivating, educating, and inspiring? How does a leader get his/her team to internalize then implement this vision? I’ll address that in the next edition.

After all, that’s the point!

- Tony


  1. Tony
    Instead of looking for the way to communicate the coaches vision to the team why not try to find out from the team what their vision is, then the coach can support their vision.

    When as managers we try to impress our ideas on other people they will always resist because they are human beings and human beings do not like being told what to do.

    If however we as managers find out what they want, then give them the support they need to achieve what they want we find that their performance becomes phenomenal.

    It will become very difficult for anybody to beat your sons team and the effect at work is a performance improvement that has been known to make grown accountants weep.

    Peter A Hunter

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It is a very interesting article. I like it very much. I am not a coach but I want to share thoughts and vision about my own experience.
    Sharing vision is one good point because it is a way to motivate, inspire and keep the team united and strong towards the same goal. As a person, in any circumstance that I find myself, either in a personal or professional situation I also think that achieving goals or winning is a way to express our self esteem and confidence to the world and to ourselves. I think when we work on these two issues, reinforcing our strong aspects and being self aware of our weaknesses and constantly improve it, we create a solid foundation towards to a successful journey

  4. Hi Peter! You're exactly right absolutely impressing our view on our teams. As leaders we owe it to our charges to support and help them meet their goals and objectives.

    You'll note in my latest post that I address that as part of developing the vision. It cannot be done effectively or successfully without buy-in from your team.

    Great feedback!

  5. Flavia - You've made several great points there. Thank you.
